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How To Start And Market Vacation Rentals

How To Start And Market Vacation Rentals


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Have you ever wondered how to start your own vacation rental?Have you been looking for a way to bring in more money, but don't know where to start?


The goal of this online workshop is to help you build a profitable vacation rental business without overworking yourself. As a vacation rental owner myself, I know how hard it can be to find that sweet spot between having enough guests and not being overwhelmed by them. And while I've been able to grow my business pretty well over the past year, I'm always looking for ways to make it even better.


That's why I decided to create this workshop: because I knew that if I could figure out how to market my vacation rental, then other owners could too. This is the most thought-out Airbnb resource I have ever created. It's a total game-changer for how I run my business and how much freedom it has given me—and now you can use those same strategies too! You'll learn how to market your rentals, create a marketing plan that works for you, and grow your bookings. You'll also get access to a community of other vacation rental owners who can help you out when you need it. You work hard to make your vacation rental business a success, but do you know what it takes to get the most out of your marketing? You've probably heard that Airbnb is one of the best ways to market your vacation rental business. But, how do you actually use it? And how much time should you spend on it?


What students will learn in the course:

1. How to start a vacation rental

2. How to find a vacation rental location

3. How to design and sell vacation rental

4. How to brand your vacation rental

5. How to market your vacation rental

6. Vacation rental ideas

7. Vacation rental expenses and how to minimize them

8. Vacation rental business plan

  • PDF and Online Course. This course is available on our programs section, please sign up using the same email you used during checkout, if you changed email addresses please let us know beforehand. We are only accepting requests from emails our systems recognize. 

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